How to use Follow Up Boss with AMcards.
Follow Up Boss has a nice video as well!
Connecting AMcards to Follow Up Boss
Install the AMcards app in your Follow Up Boss account.
Copy your API key from Follow Up Boss here.
Go to view a Person in Follow Up Boss.
If you are an Admin and want to connect to an account that everyone in your org can use, click the "Connect to a SHARED AMcards Account" button in the AMcards app.
If you just want to connect to your own AMcards account and don't want everyone else in your organization to have access to your AMcards account, click the "Connect to my OWN AMcards Account".
You will be taken to an AMcards page where you can paste your Follow Up Boss API key. If you are not logged in you will be prompted to login to your AMcards account. Paste the key and click "Submit".
Once you paste the API key and click submit you'll be directed to and will see a message letting you know you've connected to Follow Up Boss.
Close the AMcards window then go back to your Follow Up Boss tab and refresh the page. You're now connected!
Disconnect AMcards from Follow Up Boss
Go here to disconnect AMcards from Follow Up Boss. Note that you MUST have access to the AMcards account that is connected to Follow Up Boss. You can not disconnect your organization from a shared AMcards account unless you have access to that AMcards account.
My organization is connected to an account, but I want to connect to my own AMcards account.
You can now connect to your own account. Click the "?" icon at the bottom of the AMcards app. This will reveal options to connect to your own account. Click the "Connect to my OWN AMcards Account".
The card templates that show up in the "Choose Template" menu on Follow Up Boss are ONLY your Quicksend Templates.
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